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Trump Target's Son Caught in Porn Sting! Conspiracy?

2024-09-24 16:04:57

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In an intriguing turn of events, Oran Alexander Routh, the son of the man who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump, has been arrested on child pornography charges. While mainstream media might brush this off as another criminal act, the connections are too obvious to ignore, huh? Both father and son, now embroiled in crimes that shock the conscience—does this smell like a set-up to you?

DOJ Plays Puppeteer with Public Perception
Let’s cut to the chase: the DOJ releasing details selectively is a classic move. Are they protecting deeper left-wing crimes while throwing the book at anyone opposing the liberal agenda? Routh’s case is not isolated; it’s part of a broader strategy to discredit and demoralize Trump supporters and conservatives at large. Nearly 60% of conservative Americans feel the justice system is weaponized against them—ain’t that obvious?

The Left’s Indoctrination Machine Churns On
Here’s a thought: why are all these attackers and criminals seemingly sprouting from the left? Routh’s alarming transition from would-be assassin’s son to a child porn convict suggests a disturbing pattern of moral decay, facilitated by radical liberal ideologies. As more details emerge about their upbringing and beliefs, one must wonder if this is the radical left’s blueprint for America.

Is There More Beneath the Surface?
This smokescreen might just be the tip of the iceberg. With Ryan Routh’s failed assassination attempt on Trump and his son’s subsequent arrest, we should be asking: what are they distracting us from? Upcoming elections, perhaps? Control and manipulation could be at play, steering public attention away from more sinister political maneuvers.

What’s Next for America?
As the layers peel back, and more connections likely surface, every patriotic American should remain vigilant. It’s not just about one failed assassin and his depraved son—it’s about the safety and integrity of our nation. Let’s not be blinded by the smokescreens of the liberal elites.

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