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Google’s Search Shenanigans: Harris Favored Over Trump?

2024-09-25 11:42:33

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Remember when we thought elections were about the people’s choice? Well, think again. Google’s algorithms are shuffling Trump’s campaign site to a measly sixth place under search terms directly linked to the 2024 presidential race, while Harris basks in the spotlight of the third slot. Let’s crunch some numbers here: being in the third position gets you almost twice the click-throughs as the sixth. Ain’t that convenient for Harris?

But before you even see Trump’s website, Google bombards you with seven left-leaning articles. From The New York Times to CNN, it’s a smorgasbord of left-wing bias. You have to wade through a swamp of liberal media before getting a peek at any conservative viewpoints.

The Silent Censorship: What You See Is All They Want You to See

It’s not just about what’s being pushed to the top but what’s being suppressed and buried. By controlling the narrative, Google effectively muffles the conservative voice, shaping public perception and, essentially, manipulating voter behavior. Is this the fair and free election we’ve been promised, or just another episode of Silicon Valley’s reality show where they play puppeteer with our politics?

Calling for a Tech Takedown: Enough is Enough

Why aren’t more people up in arms about this? When a single company has the power to sway elections, it’s time to ask: should Google be dismantled? The MRC’s findings raise alarm bells for anyone who cares about a balanced political discourse. We’re talking about a company that influences what 15% of U.S. adults see when they decide to get informed about their next president. The potential for abuse here is not just staggering; it’s already in play.

Conclusion: The Stakes Could Not Be Higher

As the 2024 elections draw near, it’s crucial to keep an eye on the unseen forces shaping our views. Remember, every search result and every filtered article isn’t just a benign recommendation but a building block of your beliefs and choices—crafted not by chance, but by a programmed agenda. And when it comes to preserving democracy, shouldn’t we demand transparency and fairness, not just algorithms and ads? Let’s hold Google accountable and remind them that in America, the power still belongs to the people… or does it?

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