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The Real Horror This Halloween: Four More Years of Kamala Harris

2024-10-31 16:30:27

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As families across the country prepare for a night of Halloween festivities, dressing as witches and goblins, there’s a far greater terror looming over the American people: the thought of another four years under the disastrous leadership of the Kamala Harris and Joe Biden administration. This Halloween, people are less afraid of haunted houses or horror movies—they’re terrified of the rising cost of living, the potential for World War III, and the unchecked flood of illegal immigration.

Under this administration, America has become unrecognizable. The prosperity and security we once experienced under former President Donald Trump have been replaced by economic instability and a rising sense of unease. Trump led the country to unprecedented economic success, making America strong on the global stage without involving us in foreign wars. For the first time in generations, we had a leader who achieved peace through strength without sending our sons and daughters into harm’s way. His administration was characterized by bold, independent policies that strengthened our nation, protected our borders, and ensured Americans’ freedom to worship, think, and live as they chose.

The same cannot be said for Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, who seem bent on dismantling the freedoms that define America. From the rising prices at the grocery store to soaring gas costs, Americans are feeling the pain of policies that seem more concerned with serving globalist interests than the American people. It’s not just about economic hardship—our national security is at risk, too. The administration has shown an alarming disregard for border security, with millions of unvetted individuals streaming across our southern border. These aren’t just people seeking a better life; they include criminals and potentially dangerous individuals. Rather than safeguarding American families, this administration appears to have abandoned them, leaving communities across the country vulnerable.

And let’s talk about the looming threat of war. Under Biden and Harris, we’ve seen a disturbing slide back toward the days of costly, endless military engagements. The tension on the global stage is mounting, and instead of pursuing diplomacy, this administration seems content to edge us closer to potential conflict. Four more years of this could mean disaster—risking the lives of young Americans and diminishing our standing in the world.

If Kamala Harris were to win, it would indeed feel like Judgment Day for this nation. This administration has shown a willingness to infringe upon basic rights, including freedom of speech and religious expression. Imagine an America where what you say, what you think, and how you believe are dictated by a government increasingly intolerant of dissent. The erosion of faith, family, and freedom is not a Halloween horror story—it’s the grim reality we could face if we don’t change course.

As we approach Election Day, it’s clear that Christianity, faith, and the foundational values of this nation are under assault. The push to undermine religious liberty, to shame traditional values, and to silence those who stand up for their beliefs feels eerily orchestrated. Kamala Harris, representing an administration that’s shown hostility to faith-based principles, appears less concerned with the American people’s spiritual well-being and more focused on consolidating power.

This Halloween, the devil isn’t hiding in a spooky costume or a haunted house. Instead, he’s wrapped in the deceptive promises of an administration that talks of unity but delivers division, that speaks of prosperity but sows hardship. The true nightmare for Americans is a future under Harris’s leadership—one where freedom is stifled, faith is attacked, and fear becomes the norm.

As we face the choices ahead, let’s remember that the real terror lies not in ghosts or ghouls but in the very real consequences of an administration that’s undermined American values, weakened our economy, and threatened our freedoms. This Halloween, let’s stay vigilant and remember that the most frightening prospect is four more years of Kamala Harris in the White House.

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